Studio View
This Blog ‘Studio View’ is a regular update of my new work, upcoming exhibitions, some work in progress images and photographs of what inspires me to paint.
My work is all about the ever changing light in the landscape.
“Atmosphere is the sensation directed upon the viewer, whereas mood is the actual feeling provided”.

Introducing the next in my new collection ‘Wistful Aurora’.
This little landscape ‘Wistful Aurora’ is part of my new collection of acrylic on canvas painted in my impressionistic style with a touch of abstract and a lot of blending with different brushes. It is inspired by the light of Autumn.
Take a look and see and imagine it in your space!

Introducing my next in the new series of sunset studies ‘Sleepy Sunset’
This little landscape ‘Sleepy Sunset’ is part of a series of spontaneous sunset studies in acrylic on wood panel painted in my impressionistic but semi abstract style with a lot of blending with different brushes.
Take a look and see what you think. Can you imagine it in your space!