Introducing my next in the new series of sunset studies ‘Sleepy Sunset’
‘Sleepy Sunset’
Acrylic on wood panel- 25.5 x 25.5 cms
This painting is part of my new series of small sunset studies and is painted on wood which I have not done in a while, so it is nice to come back to.
It seemed to come together quite quickly which is always good. The colours were left over from a larger canvas completed earlier in the day.
The touches of red and burgundy in the sky gives the impression of the evening colours to come. I love the touches of orange and yellow on the horizon.
It was based on another evening walk across the bridge at Kingston-upon-Thames looking toward Hampton Court as the colours of the sunset were just beginning against the still blue sky, the light staying around long enough to say goodbye.
I love how my brushstrokes and the textures change very slightly from painting to painting.
Look out for the next one…….
You can view all my new work here