Transform your space with my new vibrant landscape painting ‘Sunlit Waltz’.
This painting can currently be seen at the Beach Gallery in Teddington alongside a number of others on canvas and paper. The exhibition is on until the end of January.
I love how this painting definitely had more of a ‘pinky’ tone vibe right from the start but it evolved like most of my paintings do.
Sounds odd but they all seem to take on their own individual journey.
Even though it’s one of my smaller stretched canvases I feel it has a lovely glow of light in the sky, similar to ‘Sunlit Lustre’ (see below) which is slightly bigger (40 x 40 cm), but they are both becoming some of my favourites.
I’d like to think that the more you live with any of my paintings that you would see and imagine the inspiration that I would have had.
They are my own interpretation of landscapes I have seen and remembered, but I hope the viewer can interpret something too, and sense the beauty and serenity in the natural landscape.
It’s often surprising how the mixture of tones just seem to give the right amount of atmosphere and light.
I love the touches of the deeper pink on the horizon and the yellow flecks of colour.
“‘That moment when the evening light and the heat of the day draws the light and colour up into the sky and ushers in the shadows of the night’…………..”
Can you imagine this painting in your space……..?
Please contact me for more details.
You can view all my new work here