My new landscape painting ‘Ochre Sunset’
‘Ochre Sunset’
An acrylic painting of a hazy Autumn sunset with yellow and pink clouds in the sky, rich colour on the horizon and dark shadows in the green landscape.
‘Ochre Sunset’ portrays that point just as the sun sets, drawing mist across the landscape whilst the colours of Autumn cling to the horizon, and the clouds pale into the sky and the shadows lengthen on the ground.
It depicts the subdued colours of an Autumn sunset showing the effect on the light in the sky and the longer shadows on the landscape.
My style.
My style of painting can change, sometimes larger brushstrokes with larger brushes and sometimes smaller brushes with a fluttering of brushstrokes to create the initial spontaneous outline and then more deliberate strokes to complete the abstract form.
Smaller paintings like ‘Ochre Sunset’ are an example of the latter.
Please contact me for more details.
You can view all my smaller affordable paintings here.