My new acrylic landscape painting ‘Sunlit Fields’.

Spring Fields Abstract Landscape Painting by Mary Burtenshaw

‘Sunlit Fields’ - 22 × 22 cm - Acrylic on canvas

This small acrylic landscape painting ‘Sunlit Fields’ was inspired by the sun shining down on to a yellow cornfield in the distance.

I always try and capture that ‘one moment in time’ but some are more difficult than others. Some come quite spontaneously and easily whilst others have a little ‘journey’ to finally get it right. This was one of the spontaneous ones.

I love the colour of the sky with the lower clouds on the horizon giving a glow to the fields in the distance. The textures just seemed to happen and ‘Sunlit Fields’ is painted in my abstract style with some blended brushstrokes. The blended greens in the foreground and the blues in the sky really bring the painting together and the flecks of pale blue give real depth to the sky.

If you’re looking for that ideal painting for your space then take a look at my affordable art page

Or if it’s a commission you’re looking for then please email me here.


Introducing the next in my new collection ‘Wistful Aurora’.


Explore beautiful abstract landscape paintings with calm colour palette and blended brushstrokes.