Explore beautiful abstract landscape paintings with calm colour palette and blended brushstrokes.

This new abstract painting Evening Shadows’ has real mood to it.

I love the flecks of pale blue in the sky combining with the deep pink giving the impression of evening light.

It is quite a minimal palette with greens, ochre and white alongside the pinks and blue, much fewer colours than usual. I usually start with a full palette to give me inspiration, various brushes and music on.

This time I really enjoyed the limited palette and am really pleased the way it turned out.

Sometimes all I need to do is place a mount over a smaller painting to see how it works with a white border. That’s how I knew this one worked.

It’s one moment in time with the atmosphere and mood of the end of the day, daylight receding and giving way to evening light.

‘The moment when the light on the horizon seems to suspend the clouds in the air’…… ‘Evening Shadows’ (23 x 23 cm) one of my spontaneous abstract paintings from my ‘Affordable Art’ page.

Please contact me for more details.

You can view all my affordable art here.


My new acrylic landscape painting ‘Sunlit Fields’.


Why not transform your space with this beautiful landscape painting ‘Twilight Shadows’.