A splash of colour, my new small spontaneous sunset painting - ‘Evening Haze’.
'Evening Haze' 23 x 22 cms - acrylic on canvas
My palette was so full of colour having just finished a larger canvas that this small spontaneous painting ‘Evening Haze’ just had to be a splash of colour.
I love the combination of the blue tones and the pinks in the sky and the way the detail on the horizon reflects the light in the sky.
It really does feel like the beginning of evening and twilight is about to happen, ending another day.
The use of the pinks and blues was a bit of a departure for me but it really worked.
I intentionally used large brushes (including some decorating brushes) for the sky and then still using large brushes blended the horizon and foreground using smaller brushes for detail.
Please contact me for more details.
You can view all my small affordable art paintings here.