Today’s landscape painting is ‘Autumn Curves’
This is a perfect size for any space……
This original acrylic landscape painting ‘Autumn Curves’ was painted very spontaneously using small, medium and large sized brushes.
I deliberately used bold strokes of colour. The green, turquoise and violet blue come in from the right hand side whilst the deep turquoise and ‘hooker’s’ green give shade and depth.
The sky is more minimal compared to the foreground but somehow it still works with the blended impression of clouds and light in the sky.
The almost luminous green in the lower foreground pulls the early Autumn sunset downward.
I really enjoyed painting the turquoise blue. It’s not a colour I use that much but after ‘Autumn Curves’ I’ll be using it much more. It really made the touches of lighter colour in the sky work against the darker ones.
The lighter greens are so luscious and the deeper greens are almost black but still work.
This painting is definitely one of my more abstract pieces with all the brushstrokes and much less blending.
It would work really well as a large canvas as
these smaller paintings are often studies
for larger works.
Please contact me for more details.
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