Discover this beautiful small painting….. ‘Days Ending’.
Just the right size for any space……
This acrylic painting on canvas ‘Day’s Ending’ is 21.5 x 23 cm.
This study has always been a favourite of mine. It’s one of those beautiful small paintings that just seem to effortlessly work and for once I knew when to put my brush down.
It has just enough detail and colour especially that vivid reddish/pink giving the impression of the end of the day. I also love the strokes of oranges/yellows that somehow bring the painting together. The larger strokes of cream/white were completed with a much bigger brush in one fluid spontaneous movement. I think the grey and purple brushstrokes somehow work with the pink.
It was not an intended combination of colours but against the lighter pink it gives the impression of the first colours before nightfall.
I then used a thinner brush with yellow, white and pink to work on the detail of the focal point, then blending the cream and white for a softer minimal feel.
The reflections of light greens in the foreground with flecks of grey really finished off the painting, on it’s journey from day to night.
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