‘Breaking Dawn’, a stunning impressionist landscape capturing the essence of light and colour.
Just reminiscing about this painting ‘Breaking Dawn’ that was one of my first acrylics after moving over from pastels, though both mediums still had the soft blended style. It must have worked as it soon sold to a private collector.
Whilst I do use a lot of blending in my larger acrylics the medium does give the opportunity for an added touch of abstract here and there. I love the quite vivid orange and yellow on the horizon.
The sky was painted with bigger brushes and blended out with sprays of water and added layers of acrylic colour.
A certain amount of experimentation meant a lot of tonal differences creating a very impressionist feel particularly the foreground, giving an impression of shrubs, bushes and trees.
I like the purple and orange colours meeting in the blue and grey tones bringing in the first glimmer of daybreak.
The ‘pop’ of bright green and yellow on the horizon reflect that early morning light back.
Such a gorgeous sky.
Please contact me for more details.
You can view all my large paintings here