Time to show one of my smaller paintings again in my most abstract and spontaneous style with vivid and vibrant colours.

I love this little gem ‘Twilight Lull’ with beautiful brushstrokes of purple, pink and red in the sky particularly the red in the clouds as daylight seems to ebb bringing in the grey as the sun disappears.

This was painted with large, almost ‘decorating’ brushes for speed as the handmade paper soaks up the paint and dries as you watch.

‘Twilight Lull’ 20.5 × 19.5 cms

The glimmer of yellow and lime green on the horizon gives just the right amount of light reflected in the green, brown and reds in the foreground.

The colours, shadows and light really convey the descending light disappearing into the oncoming darkness of evening.

This painting would brighten any space in the home or office.

View more small paintings here or you can follow my artist process and see all my paintings and news on my upcoming exhibitions on instagram

If would like to ask me question or would like more information then please email me.

These small studies have a freedom in the brushstrokes and colour I use so if a larger painting hits a creative block I inspire myself with these smaller ‘free’ studies.
’They are a beginning but a very important beginning.

A splash of colour, my new small spontaneous sunset painting - ‘Radiant Glow’.


The perfect touch: how this new abstract landscape painting ‘Evening Rain’ will enhance any room.